Pain is the most common reason people consult a physician in the United States. This includes seeking a chiropractor for pain. At Integrated Physical Medicine pain initially motivates patients to come to our Bradenton Chiropractic office.
Pain is a sensation of hurt as a result of various factors including temperature, vibration, stretch, chemicals, inflammation and irritated or injured nerves. As you chiropractor in Bradenton at Integrated Physical Medicine I am concerned with all types and sources of pain. Our Chiropractic treatment at Integrated Physical Medicine typically addresses the irritated and injured nerves caused by misalignment of the spinal vertebra. Pain regions and pain types that your Chiropractic Bradenton Doctor usually addresses include. 1)Neck Pain 2)Upper Back Pain 3) Mid Back Pain 4) Low Back Pain 5) Headache Pain 6) Arm/Leg Pain 7) Sciatic Pain 8) Joint Pain 9) Generalized Pain 10) Arthritis Pain
The various techniques of Chiropractic Adjustments that Dr. Maria Carlton DC performs aim to correct and relieve the pain associated with these potentially pain causing vertebral or joint misalignments. At Integrated Physical Medicine we work together to discover the source of and correction for your pain. Dr. Carlton will assist you in attaining your goals for a pain free, more mobile and active way of living.